Monday, September 27, 2010
Thomas Wolsey

Anne Boleyn

Catherine of Aragon

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Part 3: Poems
I was brother to Edward IV,[1]
It was not him who split from the Church for a divorce,
When Edward died I became guardian of Edward’s sons,
I had them both locked away in the tower[2] which is no fun.
I was crowned in 1483[3] instead of Edward V heir to the throne,
Because into the tower he was thrown[4].
I refused gifts of cash, preferring the people’s goodwill [5]
I hoped with the people this would go over well.
In the year 1484 I reestablished Council of the North which lasted for a century and a half,
I established the College of Arms which had not been established in the past [6]
In 18 months I lost his brother, son, and wife [7]
This put my heart through great strife.
I was the last member of the House of York to be a King,
I was killed by Henry Tudor and his army in summer[8] not spring.
My reign lasted for 2 years until 1485[9]
When I was slain before he had time to cry.
I was only 32 when I was killed in war[10]
But it was my time and death knocked at the door.
Henry Tudor became King and ended to Plantagenet reign[11]
[2] http://www.richard111.com/Biography%20on%20King%20Richard%20III.htm
[3] http://www.richard111.com/Biography%20on%20King%20Richard%20III.htm
[4] http://www.richard111.com/Biography%20on%20King%20Richard%20III.htm
[5] http://www.richard111.com/Biography%20on%20King%20Richard%20III.htm
[6] http://www.richard111.com/Biography%20on%20King%20Richard%20III.htm
[7] http://www.richard111.com/Biography%20on%20King%20Richard%20III.htm
[9] http://www.richard111.com/Biography%20on%20King%20Richard%20III.htm
[10] http://www.richard111.com/Biography%20on%20King%20Richard%20III.htm
[11] http://www.richard111.com/Biography%20on%20King%20Richard%20III.htm
Henry Tudor
Born on 28 January 1457 was I[1]
My name is Henry VII
I was the first King in the Tudor dynasty[2]
I took reign after Richard III was killed in battle
Because I declared myself King[3]
His death ended the War of the Roses
At the battle of Bosworth Field
I married Elizabeth of York[4]
I spent most of my life in exile [5]
Until the battle that changed my life
The house of York had lost power
When I can to power
The house of Lancaster had been long gone
And the Tudor’s had all the power.
I increased our government’s effectiveness[6]
I restored the power
Over English nobility[7]
But things got tough in later years of my reign
When my wife died
I was saddened so deeply
I died myself in 1509[8]
My reign lasting 24 years
From 1458 to 1509[9]
I tried what I could to help my people
My time as King may have ended
But the Tudor reign would continue
For years to come
Part 2: Richard III: Fact and Fiction
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Part 1: The Rulers
Monday, September 20, 2010
Black Death DBQ
The Black Death caused turmoil during the years it was prominent and the years that followed. European society was changed socially, population wise, and blamed the disease on the Jews.
The King attempted to freeze wages paid to labor workers in 1349. There was such a shortage of labor workers because of the Black Death that the King’s attempt was in vain. The social structure was beginning to change because there was now a need for labor workers as opposed to the excess before the plague. Now the surfs were given more power because the supply and demand had changed in their favor.
After the plague hit and almost half of European population was wiped out, peasant revolts started occurring frequently. There were political and social upheavals caused by the chaos brought by the disease. Ladies were abused by the peasants who revolted in France in the year 1358. Houses were burned and people were murdered viciously as the peasants tried to gain more and more strength and power for themselves.
It was the Jews who were blamed as a scapegoat. It was said they tried to poison Christendom by putting poison the public fountains. Stories were made up about the Jews because they were a minority in Europe so they were easy to blame. Some of the things said may be true but it is highly unlikely that the Jews were the cause of 25 million deaths from a disease spread entirely through Europe.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Scot's DBQ
The Scot’s viewed the English as enemies who were evil and wanted to be freed from their rule. The Scot’s ask God to give them peace by gaining freedom from England, saying that all they have is “little old Scotland.”
William Wallace was ruthless to the English and tortured them every chance he had. The English finally captured William and tortured him by cutting him apart limb by limb.
Robert the Bruce came after William and is a Scottish hero. He wanted to free the kingdom of the Scot’s from English rule. Scottish people would rather die fighting for freedom then live under English control.
The Scot’s are willing to do anything if God will help them achieve peace. The Scots feel the English king has enough power for 7 kings combined.
The people of England and the English king have done horrible deeds and do not deserve to have as much power as they do and do not have a right to torture the Scot’s.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
AP Reading Questions 9/7/10
- What does the reign of Henry II suggest about the future of English foreign relations?
- It suggests that relations with other countries were becoming stressed. Henry II wanted all the power in the world and wanted to take over other places. This puts strain or relations with other countries such as France.
- Does the common conception of Richard as 'good' and John as 'bad' hold up to reality?
- No because many of the problems John dealt with started in Richard's reign. Richard had more flair than John and put his faith in others while John was laid back. Richard seemed like a hero the people because he was out on the battlefield risking his life, even though his reign as king was no better then Johns.
- How did the Magna Carta change the relationship of the Monarch and his subjects?
- It took some power away from the Kings. They could not solely act on what they wanted to do. The barons became more powerful and the Magna Carta helped them more than it helped anyone else.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Thucydides Writing Style
According to Jordan Martin’s kindergarten diploma (See Figure 1.) he graduated in June of 2001 from Prettyboy Elementary School. The school he attended was in Freeland, Maryland. On the back of the diploma was a note written special for Jordan from his teacher informing him of how fond she was of him and how she would miss having him in her class.
In his first grade year he was on grade level academically in every class according to the report card given. His effort, which was graded on a number scale with 1 being outstanding and 4 meaning needing improvement, every class was a 1 or 2. The grading system wasn’t the standard grading system of today, rather based on letters for independent, progressing, satisfactory, and needs improvement.
The year of second grade the effort categories were filled with all ones, with his mathematics skills rising to above grade level (See Figure 2.) According to teacher comments on the report card (Figure 3) Jordan was liked by his second grade teacher and made progress all year in class. His class and effort grades showed that he enjoyed his teachers and classes and always tried hard to do what he needed to do.
Third grade report card reports were now different than kindergarten, first, and second grade report cards. The letter system had begun to show on report cards instead of I for independent or P for progressing. In four terms of reading, Jordan received two B’s and two A’s while he received four terms of A’s in writing and language usage.
Jordan was considered a pleasure to have in class by his 4th grade teacher, Mr. Bass, according to comments written by Mr. Bass himself (Figure 4.) Progressing through the year, Jordan still has never received a grade lower than an A or B in any class he took. Mathematics was still a very strong class for Jordan, coming in the above grade level class again, called GT (gifted and talented.)
Fifth grade is the final year of elementary school. Jordan still remained in the gifted and talented program at the school he was attending. He again passed all classes with the best grades possible and graduated with his class. All the teacher comments about Jordan Martin said that he was a good kid in class and created no problems for the teachers or other students (Figure 5.) He went to the same school K-5th grade and received his diploma at a big ceremony with his entire class.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Herodotus Style of Writing
1. 1. When I was in kindergarten my favorite thing to do was play on the playground and nap. My mom says that I only went to kindergarten in the afternoon session because at that time it was only necessary to go for half a day of kindergarten. My teacher was also my neighbor at the time, my mother informs me. I attended Pretty Boy Elementary school which I had heard from others was named after a horse that drowned in a river near the school.
2. 2. The first grade teacher at the school was Mrs. Thompson, and older women who was very strict. Both of my parents say that she should not have been involved in teaching children because she showed no compassion for her students. I was reminded of a past event in Mrs. Thompson’s from my mother when I asked to borrow a pencil and I was yelled at and started crying.
3. 3. Second grade was a good year in my life as I remember it. My teacher was a warm hearted and tender lady who was known as Mrs. B. According to my father this was one of his favorite teachers he had met because she reminded him of his mother who he loves dearly. I was informed of a story where on teacher parent night, Mrs. B stayed later than other teachers to make sure all parents questions and requests were answered and seen to as it was necessary for a successful year.
4. 4. I have heard from a multitude of people that my third grade teacher was by far the funniest of any teacher I have ever had and I have to agree. On the last day of school every year, she would climb on her desk, turn music on, and dance while her homeroom class got to watch and laugh. She was able to make the class enjoyable for all her students while getting the curriculum across to the students also.
5. 5. Mr. Bass was my main teacher in 4th grade and the teacher I liked the best in middle school. My younger sister was friends with his daughter so I knew him in and out of school. I had a lot of friends that were in his class with me which made the year more enjoyable. My sister says that he was very nice out of school, and I can vouch that he was in school also. He did his best to be fair to everyone, and disciplined students when necessary, not just for fun.
6. 6. In the fifth grade we began to have a schedule that was more like a middle school schedule, with multiple teachers. Mrs. Clavin was my homeroom teacher, while others taught different subjects. The most memorable is Mr. Schaffer. Before the start of 5th grade I had heard from older students that Mr. Schaffer had people clean his fish tank for him. Others informed me and others that he forced students to clip his toenails for him in class. It turned out I did have to clean his fish tank, but he never had students clip his toenails, but he did clip them in the middle of class. One story that I was reminded of by my parents and sister took place before Christmas break of my 5th grade year. My friend Trenton and I were sent by Mr. Schaffer to go to the janitor closet and bring two boxes to him. When we got to the closet and found the boxes, we realized that the door had shut behind us, and was locked from the inside. We were forced to go through a back door and be let in by the office. When we returned to his class we realized we had left the boxes in the closet.
7. 7. Elementary school was a mixture of experiences, good and bad. My parents say that I was never a problem in class and never got in trouble. I had never been called to the office for doing something wrong in elementary school and received good grades in the classes I was in. I had a good amount of friends as most people do in elementary school and my parents believe it was a good choice for me to go there and graduate elementary school there.