Monday, December 6, 2010

Free response practice #1

"Why are the trials and tribulations of Galileo often considered both predicative of the future of Western Civilization as well as a perfect encapsulation of the context of his own time?"

Galileo Galilei was a respected Italian scientist of his time. He had many great discoveries and inventions that would go on to shape civilization even after his death. Some of these discoveries were controversial, especially with the Church. His discoveries went against the word in the Bible and he was accused of heresy. His discovery that the sun was the center of the universe and everything revolved around it was especially controversial with biblical teachings at the time. His trials and tribulations gave way to advances in modern science and also showed that at his time religion and science conflicted greatly.

During Galileo’s time, religion was a major discussion topic. It had caused many controversies in the past, some including scientific discoveries others not. In the Bible it says that the Earth never moves, and with Galileo saying it revolved around the sun, the Church was offended. He was taken from his home while he was sick, forced to go to trial, accused of heresy, and put on house arrest. He was not able to leave his house at all, even though all he did was make a great discovery. This exemplifies how serious of a crime this was at the time because religion was at a state where it was an unstable controversy. If this discovery had been made in a time of religious stability, it may have received the credit it deserved at the time.

His discovery opened new doors in science that people had never thought could be opened. His discovery put science in a whole new light and opened numerous possibilities for new research. At the time of his discovery, religion was more renowned and thought about then science. His discovery had to be covered up by the Church because if his discovery was right, it would take away from the literal credibility of the Bible. Galilei said that two truths should not be contradicted. His discovery was indeed right, and he did not make this discovery as an attack on the church, rather to give information to the people. If his discovery had not contradicted Church teachings, the Church would have been fine with his discovery, even glorified it. The Church was not punishing him for the discovery itself, but for the way it affected Church teachings.

This discovery helped fellow scientists shift into a new type of science that has lead to the abilities we have today. Without his discovery being voiced, we would be not as updated in things like astrology and space travel. If he had feared voicing his opinion because he knew the Church would be upset, we would never have heard of his name. He took the courage to voice what he had found, right or wrong, and the risk he took greatly affected modern life for the better. It still shows that his time was in primitive stages of scientific discovery in certain areas that we still do not totally understand. His time was more about religion than it was about anything else.

Galileo is a hero for his discovery in the science department. His trials and tribulations have made the people of the world more advanced and intelligent. Western civilization had created inventions that would not be able to be thoughts without Galileo. Religion is not a dominant as it was in his time. People during his time were forced to agree with Church teachings or they would be punished. Now, science is a major study and competitive industry in the modern world to find more great discoveries like Galileo’s controversial discovery. Discoveries today are still controversial, but not as often with religion. The times have greatly changed since Galileo’s time and advance in all fields can be slightly contributed to his courage and intelligence. His trials and tribulations changed today’s world for the better.


  1. 5: Thesis was pretty good, but the paragraphs didn't always back it up. The paragraphs talked about different things, not just the part of the thesis that they were supposed to.

  2. 6- pretty good thesis, maybe a few more key words to outline the paragraphs; make sure paragraphs stick with what is in the thesis statement

  3. 6 good thesis, support a little shaky

  4. Actually, it could more easily be said that science and religion in his time were virtually the same thing and he in fact was the outlier. Your statement relies on generalities and doesn't address the complexity of the question nor even hint at your argument. 3
